This was the woman, after all, who created a dead-on Emperor Palpatine costume for my brother fifteen minutes before we had to leave for the Force Awakens opening out of nothing but a black cape, some eye shadow, and an old zombie mask. Nothing was really so lacking in value that she would throw it away. She loved that TV show with Gary Chandler, whom she assured us was cute but not as cute as our dad. She loved that new bracelet you were wearing. She loved the way your hair looked if you asked her. Which is hilarious, because if you ever met Mary Jean Peters, you know that she love-love-loved everything. My mother had a saying that she was fond of whenever my siblings and I asked her for an opinion on clothes to buy or belongings to donate: "If you don't love love love it-" She never finished the sentiment, but it was always briskly implied: "Toss it," "Don't buy it," "Get rid of it," "Let it go."